Is it possible we have strayed from what the Founding Fathers appropriated to The Republic of the United States?
What causes us to have life is directly related to our happiness. When the Forefathers wrote the word “happiness” in the Constitution, it had a different context than it does today. For some, happiness is the pursuit of God. For some, it is the pursuit of money. Whatever is the determining factor of our happiness, that will draw us in a direction. I’m not convinced that our Federal Government should be the overseer of our happiness. I believe those rights were given to the Republic first.
The Roaring Twenties were preceded by a man named Woodrow Wilson, who was later to become our (21st)??? president. Woodrow Wilson would enact laws and take the country in a direction, as every other president had done before him.
We had just entered the period in history of the Roaring Twenties. During 1920 through 1929 the United States enjoyed a time of social and economic growth. Yet the economic development of the decade became one of the blackest times in US history, known as the Great Depression, beginning in 1929.