ABOUT Ms. Elisa Morelli
Ms. Elisa Morelli is an author, musician whose company, EMHMusicPlus started in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in September of 2006. The company started by providing families with scholarships for private music lessons, along with placing pianos in people’s homes and in churches. Our first completed achievement at the pen was the creation of the script and live video of “Our New Mexico,” a brief history of the New Mexico Territory and of New Mexico. (Forward by Dr. Henry J. Casso. Used by permission @2005.) The creation of The Pledge of Allegiance, sung in Spanish, has been performed in New Mexico. (recording, 0:28)
In the past two years, Ms. Elisa has branched out and finished two new books. A book of poetry, “Whispers Etched in Stone,” (used by permission) And a little book, “A Little Book About Finding a New Norm.” (released February 2017.) Both are available on eBook and paperback online and in stores by request. A Little Book About Finding a New Norm is about adjusting to changes when they weren’t expected. And Whispers Etched in Stone is a collection of original poems.
Ms. Elisa currently: blogs about the Good Book and Our Neighbor, is playing and teaching music, working on the 2nd book of poems, and pursuing opportunities in many different venues. An enthusiast traveller, Ms. Elisa Morelli has just returned from living in London, Great Britain. She is currently living in Portland, Oregon.
She gives most of her time to family and friends and the sound of laughter. Elisa is an author and trained musician. She has lived through the empty nest of her sons, the loss of her husband, and is a 21-year veteran music teacher. Elisa loves traveling and continues to spend much time abroad. She is Mom to many, and has two grown sons and a daughter-in-law.